
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Herb Goodness

A few nights ago SB came home from a dinner with a couple of leftover steaks. I happen to be a big fan of leftovers because it cuts the cooking time in at least a half but not necessarily the flavor!

The steaks SB brought home were rare. Here is what I did: I placed them on a cookie sheet, in the oven, with a dollop of butter on each steak, for 10 minutes at 425 degrees, flipped them 5 minutes into it (for a medium temperature). I let them rest for 10 minutes and then sliced them on a diagonal. (Remember the steaks he brought home were already precooked and preseasoned. If the steaks were raw I would have seasoned them first with salt and pepper then seared them in a very hot pan, preferably a cast iron skillet, for a couple of minutes on each side and then finished them in the oven in the above manner. Cooking time can vary depending on the thickness of the steak.) The butter definitely helps to add a little flavor but to kick it up a few notches I drizzled some of my Herb Goodness on top of the sliced steak.

Herb Goodness:

  • 1/2 cup of parsley
  • 1 bunch or 3/4 cup of chive
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
Put parsley, chive, garlic, salt in food processor. Turn the processor on and drizzle the olive oil in. Taste for flavor and you are done! How easy is that??!! Add it on the steak right before you serve it and you are golden!! It's so simple, so beautiful! I strongly believe that food does not have to be complicated in order to taste good.

You can add a variety of different herbs to this goodness to adjust it to your flavor palette to make it your own. Occasionally, I like to add some cilantro and jalapeno if I have it around, to put a little Latin spin on it. But by no means do I miss it if I omit it. Really, you can use any combination of herbs you like.

Being in the height of the grilling season you can use the Herb Goodness, as a marinade as well. All you have to do is add ¼ cup of lemon juice and the juice of half a lime. It is super delicious with pork tenderloin, chicken or shrimp. But don’t limit yourself to just meats! Brush it on the veggies of your choice and throw it on the grill – YUMMY!!!! Take ¼ cup of Herb Goodness add 2 tablespoon of lemon juice and use it as a salad dressing. Or throw it on pasta with some grilled chicken. DELISH!!!!

Once you taste this scrumptious Herb Goodness you will find a multitude of ways to use it.

Happy eating!!!


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