
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What this blog is about and what you can expect:

You’ve guessed it. FOOD!

In my eyes, the beauty of food is multi-layered.

We largely live in a world where our varied differences and conflicts in areas such as religion, socio-economic backgrounds, race, politics (just to mention a few) are more prominently displayed than the things that connect us.

Food is something that connects us all, no matter what color, shape or religion we are, whether we prefer to sit on the right or the left side of the aisle. Food nourishes us, it comforts us, sometimes it even brings back memories. We love food, we savor it, often we like to share it with people we love, and at times we like to sneak an extra piece when no one is looking… Food brings people together and it makes us more similar than it makes us different.

In this blog I will share with you everything and anything relating to food in my life. You will find out about my food obsessions, food I loathe, restaurants I love and hate, recipes I make for dinner, meals SB (my boyfriend – he’s my guinea pig) loves, food that inspires me, food that reminds me of home, food I eat on vacation, dinner parties I host, my new creations and old family favorites, and every once in a while I might even tell you something about food that you’ve never known before.

I hope you will enjoy being a part of my journey as much as I do.

Happy reading and happy eating!