
Friday, July 9, 2010

Lobster Ravioli Love Letter

No entry yesterday, as I was stricken with a serious case of the blues. The dream of another World Cup victory was shattered into a million pieces in front of my eyes. You may say obsession, I say passion. I admit, I watched the final minutes of their last game in tears, as my 3rd team (Germany) of this tournament lost to Spain. I felt the loss as though I were on the field myself. I really, truly believed that this time around they could win the much desired trophy. I really thought, this was the year. The talent was there. I thought that the obstacle of Thomas Mueller's absence could be bridged with their insatiable hunger for victory. But - it was not meant to be. I have been so distraught, that I haven't even been able to talk about it until now. Nonetheless, I am proud of all of my teams. In a World Cup that was filled with controversy and bad officiating, they all played their hearts out and never gave up - and that is true sportsmanship.

So what does SB, my amazingly wonderful boyfriend do, while I am on the couch crying, pouting, moping and staring into thin air? He does the (almost) impossible and cheers me up like no other can. He goes grocery shopping and cooks me dinner! Now, SB is good at a lot of things, but he'll be the first one to admit that cooking is not one of them. Finding his way around in the kitchen is a bit of a challenge. He's definitely a fish out of water when it comes to cooking, but it is VERY adorable to watch. It's so funny seeing a usually very confident and self-assured man so confused when it comes to pots, pans and stoves :). That does make it even more so endearing. How could that not cheer me up? He made us lobster ravioli (which for some reason don't make me sick - probably bc it's not chunky) with vodka sauce (Mario Batali's - has a bit of a kick to it. It's great!). He served it with a side of green salad and a stack of fresh mozzarella and tomatoes. Simple and DELISH, comforting and just what the doctor ordered! I'm such a lucky girl.

To SB: Thank you for your love and support (in everything I do - not just when it comes to soccer lol). Thanks for putting up with my mood-swings and loving me. I don't know how I got to be with you - but I'm the luckiest girl alive. I love you.


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