
Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Shake Shack Journey

Only a quarter of the line

Want some fries with that ketchup?

Just a snack

Cheese Fries

Beauty shot

Since I have started this blog I have discovered a new passion for food photography. Now, my friends might say that I have always loved taking pictures everywhere, of everything that anyone might find remotely interesting (or not). And yes, that is true. After all, I can't let my heritage down; I am Asian, you know. We love our cameras and gadgets. But really, what's so amazing to me is that something edible becomes a piece of art, something innately beautiful. I know that chefs take great pride in what they do in putting together their masterpieces, but I think photographing them gives it a whole new element. For instance, look at these burger shots that I took at the Shake Shack. Those burgers almost don't look real. And - I must add they were THAT delicious too.

I am almost afraid to admit that I had my first Shake Shack burger for the first time only the other day. Some people may say that it's a disgrace that I waited all these years to have the famous Shake Shack burger. Well, to those people I say: you are right, it is a disgrace indeed. The burger is so juicy, so perfectly cooked and seasoned with their secret, magical Shake Shack sauce. This burger is so beautiful, so desirable it will make any backyard-cookout-burger green with envy. Is it weird that in my head these burgers come to life and experience emotion such as envy? Hmmm yes, I suppose it is.

To all the Shake Shack loyalists: you would be proud of me knowing what I endured to get my fingers around that burger. SB and I had just gotten back from a long drive, I was going on about 1.5 hours of sleep, and to top it off it was a grueling, sweltering 99 degrees outside. I've got to say though, it very much felt like 5 million degrees, with the added humidity. I mean - "hot" doesn't even describe it. Nonetheless, something inside me screamed: you MUST have Shake Shack! (My suggestion is, never stand in between a hungry girl and her food) So we left the cool, safe, and AC running confines of the apartment and ventured to Madison Square Park. As we were in line and waited and waited and waited and waited, children cried, women screamed and even grown men were weeping from the agony of the suffocating heat. Ok - not quite.... But, I do think that SB was secretly and quietly cursing me (on the inside) for dragging him out in the oppressive heat. He vehemently denies it.

Regardless, the point, in the profound words of SB, is "we came, we saw, we conquered the Shake Shack."

The Shake Shack
SE corner of Madison Square Park
New York City

Happy eating!!



  1. This place looks incredible, the burger sensational. Great images, really nice work, really enjoy your blog.

    Savile Joe

  2. Thank you so much! I just recently started it and I really enjoy writing it. Please keep coming back!

