
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Soul-connection at Apiary

Linds' skate

My roasted chicken

Beauty shot

I strongly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. I also believe that the people come in and out of your life with a purpose. Every once in a while you meet someone that you have an instant connection with - a soul connection. I recently experienced that with my friend Lindsey. We have known each other for a year through work, but never were close friends. Well, that changed in an instant this summer. Fate threw us together on our commute to work and we discovered that we have had almost identical lives, in different corners of the world. It was an instant love connection that was a year in the making. My Irish twin :).

To celebrate our new found friendship, we went to eat. Of course. I wouldn't know any other way but to celebrate with food. So Apiary it was.

Corn and shrimp gazpacho

Linds' green salad

I started off with the corn and shrimp gazpacho and she started with the green salad - both of which were ok. I think Linds liked her salad but I wasn't crazy about the gazpacho. For our entrees she had the Skate and I had the roasted chicken. Her skate was great! The fish was moist and so well seasoned and the sauce was amazing! I unfortunately, didn't get so lucky with my ordering. The gravy was the best part of the dish but there wasn't enough of it. The chicken was just dry. I didn't even finish half of it. Linds and I pretty much shared her dish.

For dessert we both had the panna cotta, which was just DE-LISH!! So creamy and yummy!!! It came with a slightly tangy but sweet raspberry sauce that was just a perfect complement to the silky panna cotta!

But the star of the dinner definitely was the dessert wine that Lindsey turned me on to: Moscato wine. I mean, where have you been all my life??? As soon as I had a sip of it, everything else became blurry and faded into the background. All of a sudden it was just me and the Moscato, all alone. I mean WHAT???? It's what I would call uh-amazing!! It's fruity, it's sweet, it's heaven. It's like sipping on a perfect grape. No wonder the Greek Gods were sipping on wine and snacking on grapes. I mean c'mon!!!

I'm in heaven: eating panna cotta and drinking Moscato wine :)

Take away message: drink Moscato wine!!!

'Til next time, happy eating!!


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