
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Momma B's Taco Salad

As promised I am bringing you the coveted Taco Salad. I have heard so much about this salad over the past few months. I was so excited to finally try it! Let me tell you - it did not disappoint!! On the day of our arrival to Hilton Head SB's parents had prepared a wonderful feast for us. It was such a perfect welcome for us because after traveling for 11 hours my stomach was ready to eat itself! I just couldn't wait to dig my fork into the mountains of shrimp cocktail,

ham salad (recipe by Pappa Dukes still to come!), brats, blueberry salsa and of course, the taco salad. It is a classic family favorite in the B-clan and it is simply scrumptious. Needless to say we all went back for seconds, maybe even thirds, but honestly - who is counting anyway. This recipe was passed down to Momma B from her mother, and Momma B was gracious enough to share it with me so I could share it with all of you.

Here it is:
  • 1 1/2 - 2 heads of iceberg lettuce, chopped
  • 1 - 1 1/2 lbs of ground beef
  • 1 pack of taco mix seasoning
  • 4 tomatoes, diced
  • 1 small (or 1/2 large) Vidalia onion, diced
  • 16 oz. pack of Taco shredded cheese
  • 1 bag of Nacho Doritos, crushed
  • Kraft Catalina dressing
Break up the ground beef in a skillet with a tablespoon of olive oil. After it is fairly broken up, add the taco seasoning and finish sauteing in pan. (This is optional: I like to dice half an onion and one minced clove of garlic and lightly saute it with a tablespoon or two of olive oil before I add the ground beef.) Drain any excess fat and let the cooked beef cool in fridge for a few hours or overnight.

Take your chopped lettuce, diced tomatoes, onions, shredded cheese, cooled beef, 1/2 a bag of the crushed Doritos, and toss together in a salad bowl with an entire bottle of the Kraft Catalina dressing.

Pour the rest of the Doritos over the top right before serving. Voila - all ready to eat!!

The great thing about this salad is that is so tasty and simple to put together. It involves minimal cooking but is still so flavorful. You can also eat it in a variety of different ways. You can put it in a wrap (KG, SB's brother in law likes to do that), you can put it into a hard shell corn taco and serve it as a traditional taco, but you can also served it as a side salad, or have it as your main entree with a slice of buttered bread. No matter which way you serve it or eat it - it is equally DE-LISH!!

I really hope you try it!!

Happy eating!!

JThis entry is dedicated to Momma B


  1. I'll eat nearly anything with Doritos in it. I LOVE this taco salad!!!

  2. A good friend of mine shared this recipe with me years ago, but I had forgotten all about it. I'll have to pick up the ingredients so I can make it for our next church lunch. Thanks for reminding me about it.

