
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

TriFFFecta: Family, Food, Fun

My Mamma and me

To my right: Pasadena sissy, to my left: the little one

The B-clan +++

I am sooooo excited to see my beautiful Mamma :)! She is coming to visit ALL the way from Germany - with a little stop-over in Cali. She's also bringing my two little sissies along with her. One of my sister's who lives in Pasadena with her lovely husband. My youngest sister, whom we call the little one, and who is not that little anymore, is traveling here all the way from Korea where she is attending a language program at a University. I haven't seen any of them in over a year so it will be a mini reunion of sorts, with some members of family missing out on the action, unfortunately.

It will also be the VERY first time that Mamma and company are meeting SB and his side of the family. I have come to love SB's family as much as my own. They are amazing and so much fun and I just can't wait for all of them to meet! It will just be a huge love fest! I imagine that there will be a lot of hand-gesturing happening, since Mamma doesn't speak English that "fluently" i.e. barely any. I kind of wish we had a camera crew following us around so we could capture all the dialogue on film. It would be so funny to watch it back with some captions underneath, and see two people having two entirely different conversations. Haha! Maybe it's just funny in my head.

Of course, there also will be lots and lots and LOTS of eating. Every member of my family LOVES food just as much as I do - and no one ever goes hungry in the B-household. Pappa Dukes (as SB likes to call him) always keeps the fridge overflowing at all times. I know there are cookouts and various restaurants on the agenda. Momma B is planning on making her famous Taco salad, which I heard is always a huge hit. I actually haven't had it yet, so I'm very excited to try it. I will make sure that I ask her for the recipe, of course, so I can share it with all of you. And I am sure my own Mamma will whip something fabulous up, too. She always has something up her magical sleeve. I love corn on the cob - so I'm thinking about making the grilled corn on the cob recipe from Cafe Habana for the get-to-know-each-other-cookout (see recipe below). It is fantastic!!! We're also planning on going to EAT in Hilton Head for Momma B's birthday, which is one of chef Robert Irvine's restaurants. As you can see there will be no lack of food, food, food - my ideal kind of world :).

I'll have plenty to report when I get back.

In the meantime: Happy eating!!


1 comment:

  1. This will be so much fun!!!! and TASTY!!! ha Cant wait to see and meet everyone. xoxo
