
Thursday, March 17, 2011

New state, new city, new home, new adventures...

Hi guys!

I'm back! So much has happened since I last posted an entry. As you guys know when I last talked to you I was in the midst of a little thing called "moving halfway across the country." I can't reiterate enough how much I truly loathe moving. It really just makes me want to pull my hair out. Needless to say, for quite some time I was just caught up in moving hell, doing my best to keep my sanity. Having said that, I have had also my share of fun food adventures (one involving a WHOLE goat leg!) that I just can't wait to share with you all! Now that I feel slightly more sane and a little less crazed and neurotic (and let's face it my normal is always somewhere in between those two), I am ready to embark on new food adventures with you guys in my new town!!

See you guys soon! Happy eating!!


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