
Thursday, June 30, 2011


Photograph by Jonas Peterson

Since our engagement, my life has been consumed by wedding planning. For the past 35 days I haven't eaten, thought, spoken, dreamed, lived, breathed anything other than "wedding, wedding, wedding." It is amazing how much time and work goes into this machine and how it just sucks you in, in a strange sort of way. It's beautiful and exciting but definitely strange, or perhaps unfamiliar. At times, in the middle of the planning frenzy, I stop myself and and say "Wow, I'm really getting married."

Without a doubt, the wedding day is something so beautiful, so joyous, so momentous. It is for us. It is for me. I am looking forward to celebrating this day. But with every day, every appointment, every dress I try on, it becomes clearer and clearer that it isn't a celebration of a day. That it never was about the day. It has always been a celebration of the beginning of a beautiful journey together, our lives together. We are writing the first page of our story - together. All of a sudden the things that consume me at the time, whether it be dress, the date, the venue, the invitations, the time of year, the weather, even the food (!) for that matter, are just not that important anymore. That no matter how hard I try to foolishly make it perfect, it will be perfect not matter what, that it has been perfect all along, that it will unfold just the way it is supposed to. It has so far. And that is perfect.

Now I am in the process of searching for a photographer that will help us to tell our story - and that fits our budget. That is easier said that done. So many talented people out there! I have recently stumbled upon photographs of real weddings on this website What these photographers are able to capture is nothing less than magical. One of the many photographers I love is Jonas Peterson. Check out his website when you get a chance. Even if you are not getting married :). What he does is nothing less than breathtaking!

Photograph by Jonas Peterson
Happy eating!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I wanted to share with all of you the wonderful news that on Friday of Memorial Day weekend SB completely surprised and blind-sighted me by proposing! It has been such a whirlwind of activities and emotions, in all of the right ways. SB and I are so happy to embark on a new journey together. In the following months with share with you guys bits and pieces of our wedding planning process, in addition to the regular recipes and restaurant reviews. My hope is that you will enjoy it as much as is has been amazing to experience it with SB and share it with all of you. Thank you to all of you, who keep coming back to my blog for more. As far as I'm concerned, I have the BEST readers in the blog world :).

Happy eating!!