
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthday love

Roses in my wedding color :o). I found them at the local farmers market.

My friend wonderful friend Lindsey of Toda New York sent me this most perfect and beautiful birthday card! A birthday card with a girl in a white dress and lavender/lilac colored flowers. How appropriate - considering that is my wedding color!

Thanks Linds for the perfect birthday card!

Beautiful birthday flowers from JCB, MK, Pies & Gibs. As you can see there is a theme: Purple! Thank you guys!!!

More gorgeous flowers from MS & Kev!

Thanks guys for all the birthday love! What could be better than flowers, cards, good food and good people on your birthday?? The answer is: not very much. T'was a good one :o). Love you guys!

Happy eating!!


Back to the roots...

The garden

My mum, happiest in her element :o)

A couple of weeks ago I came back from visiting my mother in Germany. She is the matriarch in our family who has taught me everything I know. Especially when it comes to all things concerning the kitchen, cooking, and good food. She has always told me that the ABC's of cooking and delicious food start with quality ingredients. Ever since I can remember, she has grown her produce in her very own garden, long before it was hip to buy organic food. Nowadays, I relish going to Whole Foods and buying my fresh food, but I must say that my wallet truly does not. Growing up, I took for granted the beautiful fruits and vegetables my mother would bring home in splendor. Today I wish I had her gardening skills (or lived closer to her!). On this trip to Germany, I accompanied her to her garden where she proudly showed me the fruits (literally) of her hard labor. This time around I could truly appreciate the beauty of her garden and hard work. This is where my journey as a self-proclaimed foodie began. I have however, not inherited the "growing/gardening" type of gene, as I seem to be incapable of keeping a mere orchid alive!

Happy eating!!


Blackberries - these will eventually be made into the best jam known to mankind.

Apple tree

Bell peppers





Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!






More pumpkins



More pumpkins

The proud owner of her universe

Hot chili pepper in weird shapes





Hot chili peppers galore
