
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

When the Goat made the Girl explode

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I have been such a bad blogger lately! That certainly isn't because of a lack of eating. As a matter of fact, I feel like, eating and working is pretty much all I have been doing. Last night SB and I went to Girl & the Goat with our good friends Justyna and Craig, and we ate our faces off! I mean, we ate and ate and ate and ate and then, we ate some more. I was about ready to explode but I just couldn't stop. Everything was fantastic there! From the bread to the oysters to the chickpea fritters, the flatbread with julienned apples on top, to the mushroom ragout ravioli. According to the waiter the mushroom ravioli was one of the dishes that Stephanie Izard invented on Top Chef and won a challenge with. But I have to say the one thing I will not leave without having are - the green beans. I don't know what it is but I am convinced that they sprinkle some crack over the top. I mean it is soooo addicting. I try to tell myself every time "Julie, stop. Act like a lady. Leave some for the others" but then suddenly the dialogue in my head somehow turns to "I'll just take a little. Ok, just a little more. Ummm ok, just a teeny, tiny more, I'm sure no one will notice." And then I anxiously await until no one takes anymore, and I discreetly finish off the whole bowl. I know, the whole thing is kind of sad. Really. But I don't know why, but those green beans just possess some sort of strange power over me. It's crack. I'm sure of it.

Happy eating!